Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Magic 8 and Team 1............

The Magic 8 and Team #1 (shhhh... we let them think that) worked together on a roofing project that turned out to be more than we ever imagined. Some major work needed to be done to "raise" the roof. There was a serious sag due to lack of proper support for the roof trusses (who needs a bearing wall).

We had to send two thru a SMALL access in the ceiling of the bathroom to be able to evaluate what was wrong with the roof. Once it was determined that the trusses were in good shape, a  2 x 10 header was built and jacked into place to "raise the roof". Thank God for tall youth and strong arms !!

While this was going on parts of the blended team began to paint the front ramp. As the sun began to beat down on them, the 10 x 10 popup tent came in handy to provide shade for working in (or under). The youth are determined and were able to get 2 coats of paint on the railing and the first coat on the ramp floor. On the top side of it all, a crew began shingling the side of the roof that was well  shaded. It is hard to explain what this project really became, but Rod Ring said it best when he stopped by "The Holy Spirit held up the roof until Jesus could send the right team".

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